I've added some photos to the gallery. I also took some photos out of the gallery. Which will be added in at a later date!!
I'm learning a lot on my work placement. Which is great, but it also makes me feel like this website could use a MAJOR refactor.
It's been a while! First of all... I'm still not happy with how this site looks lol. It's a little bit ugly. I also want to make an entrance page, but not right now bc that'd mean changing all links that reference the current index page.
I've officially moved to the town where I'm going to do my work placement. Idk how I feel about it just yet.
I've redesigned the site! I didn't like the side bar, or the way I was using Tumblr to host my photos, (or the way I wrote everything in lowercase...) so I made this instead. It looks pretty similar, I used the same colours and fonts, but it was made mostly from scratch. I've been very bored since uni ended and I went home to my family haha... I'll see if I can find a way to host my old logs here somewhere.